
Do you find facileManager to be helpful? Then why not contribute to it?

There are several ways of contributing to this project even if you don't know how to code. Below are just some of the ways to get you going.

Spread the Word

Tell your friends about this project. Word-of-mouth is one of the best ways to inform people of greatness!

Testing, Testing, Testing

One of the most important things we want to release is bug-free software. Your help can really benefit us by providing feedback on our pre-releases (and even our releases). Just download, test, and provide your feedback to us.

Choose the software tree you'd like to download and test at a minimum and facileManager will notify you when new versions are available for testing and use.

Submit Ideas

Have an idea for an existing module or a new one? Let us know!


Is our documentation and help files lacking information? Could they be written clearer? Feel free to help us with our documentation so that users can easily understand them and learn how to use facileManager.

Project Funding

Because we do this in our spare time, we need money to help pay for hosting costs and methods to potentially increase our presence.